Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada (MYCAC) 加拿大銘賢書院舊生會

January 6, 2020

Dear Ming Yin College Alumni and Staff:

Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada (MYCAC) is pleased to host the 3rd annual dinner on August 9, 2020 in Toronto, Ontario.

Summer travel is popular for many people. In the event that any of our MYC alumni or staff is planning to travel in or through the Greater Toronto Area at that time, we cordially invite him/her and companion to join us. As MYCAC have many alumni living in Toronto for a long time, we are happy to help to make your visit a pleasant experience. We would gladly provide you with relevant travel information about our city.

Registration would be accepted until July 31, 2020.

We look forward to seeing you in August.

Yours sincerely,
John Ip
President of MYCAC



下午五時,晚宴籌委已準備就緒,迎接與會師友光臨。是次聚會見證加港銘賢人的同心,皆因有校友早前回港聯絡在港校友後帶回一些禮品(部份更是由在港校友捐贈)讓大會作即場義賣,為MYCAC籌募經費。義賣禮品包括校呔、校徽和太陽眼鏡,由於籌委鼓勵師友穿戴 “Ming Yin Green” 出席晚宴,很多校友相繼購買校呔響應。太陽眼鏡銷情亦相當不錯,校友們踴躍試戴,無論是否相熟都幫忙給予意見,大家嘻嘻哈哈,造就了良好的聚會氣氛。


Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada (MYCAC) the Second Annual Dinner

March 12, 2019

Dear Ming Yin College Alumni and Staff:

Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada (MYCAC) will host the second annual dinner on August 11, 2019 in Markham, Ontario.

If our MYC alumni and staff are travelling in or through the Greater Toronto Area at that time, we cordially invite them and their companions to attend this dinner event. As MYCAC have many alumni living in Toronto for a long time, we are happy to help to make your travel a pleasant experience by providing up to date information about our city.

Registration would be accepted until July 31, 2019.

Thanks. Look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,
John Ip
President of MYCAC










With much excitement and anticipation, MYCAC is pleased to run the “MYCAC logo design” contest. We welcome MYC alumni from around the world to participate to showcase their creativity and artistic acumen in support of alumni activities.




1. 平面設計:不可超過三種顏色
2. 創作形式:手繪或電腦圖(A4 size)(圖片影像可放大或縮小)
3. 舊生會的英文縮寫MYCAC或英文全寫Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada必須在設計中清晰可見
4. 作品需簡潔、清晰易明,如果使用母校校徽作為象徵物,內容及顏色不得修改
5. 作品須附以文字(不多於100字)說明設計意念

1. 標題為「香港銘賢書院(加拿大)舊生會會徽設計比賽」
2. 請註明參賽者中英文姓名,聯絡電話及電郵地址,畢業屆別
3. 歡迎個別參賽者作品多於乙份,作品檔案需為PDF或Word
4. 手繪作品可直接交予會長John Ip(請致電416-818-8817或電郵jipteach@yahoo.ca)預約遞交日期,時間,地點




Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada (MYCAC) Logo Design Contest

Our Logo represents MYCAC. It must include creativity. The official Logo links the alumni to our alma mater to show our support and bonding.

Eligibility for Participation
The contest is open to all alumni except those who have been invited to be judges of this contest.

Requirements of the Logo
1. Graphic design: can be up to 3 colors.
2. Format: can be hand painting or computer graphic (in A4 size). The image must be clear and sharp when enlarged or reduced in size.
3. The name of the Alumni, either in its abbreviated form (MYCAC) or in full (Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada) must appear clearly in the design.
4. The design must be simple and clearly visualized. If the school badge is included in the design submission, the colors and content cannot be changed.
5. A brief description (not more than 100 words) to explain the design concept.

Methods of Participation
1. Enter “MYCAC Logo Design Contest” as the subject.
2. Indicate participant’s English and Chinese names, contact phone number and year of graduation.
3. Each participant is welcomed to enter multiple entries. The file should be submitted in either PDF or Word format.
4. Submit hand painting to John Ip (contact phone number 416-818-8817 or email jipteach@yahoo.ca to arrange date/time/place for submission).

The winning designer will be awarded two coupons to the annual Alumni Banquet (Toronto) in 2019. A certification of appreciation will also be issued and presented during the Banquet by the MYCAC Board.

December 31, 2018 (Monday)

Use and copyright
The winning design will be used as the official Logo of MYCAC and the copyright belongs to MYCAC exclusively.








晚宴於7時開始,先有籌委會主席致辭,現任校長及舊生會會長簡報校務消息,之後有抽奬,大尋找Bingo遊戲, 卡拉OK, 排舞,席間各校友談及多年同窗,真有說不完的話題,有校友數十年不見,再見之情難以形容。





MYC Toronto Alumni Dinner (20180812)
Dear fellow MYC alumni,

We are very excited to inform you that our annual MYC Toronto Alumni Dinner will be on Sunday August 12th, 2018.

Toronto is one of the biggest cities in North America and can be easily reached by US and international travellers via plane, train and car. We probably have the most MYC alumni outside of HK. We have graduates from many years and many ex-principals and teachers residing in the Greater Toronto Area. Gatherings occur throughout the year, the annual dinner is the most attended event of the year and last year we had over 60 attendees with little advertising and outreach, among them were alumni and their significant others from HK and the US, ex-principals Mr. Chan Ho Tung and Mr. and Mrs. Yeung Po Kwan. Ex-teachers Mr. and Mrs. Aw, Mr. Ma Kwaimin.

I and six other energetic and innovative Committee members are trying to make it even better than previous years. The evening will begin at 5pm and dinner at 7pm. From 5-7pm, there will be a photo booth for photo taking and display of old memorable photos of MYC and the alumni. Silent auction will promise to have interesting and valuable donations from ex-teachers and alumni. Finals of a mahjong contest, karaoke, speeches from our honoured guests, perhaps even always fun filled line dancing and some other programs will be part of the evening fun.

So far our honoured guests include the current MYC principal Dr. Anne Chan, current vice-principal Ms Siu Wai Lin, ex-principal Mr. Chan Ho Tung, Mr. Harry Aw and Mrs. Aw (Miss Tam Ping Sai) and Mr. Joseph Ho, current President of MYCOSA. More confirmations are pending.

Whether you come to sightsee in our area or perhaps visit friends or relatives, we would be very honoured if you could find some time to join us at the dinner. The cost is Can$75 for one and $140 for a couple. We can offer transportation to and from the dinner and travel help.

Please contact any of the Planning Committee members if you are interested.

We wish you and your family the very best and hope to see you in August!


Yours sincerely,

Andrew Chun-Hing Wong 王春興 5S1 1972
Chairman, Planning Committee 2018
aktaniwong@ rogers.com


Planning Committee members:
1. John Ip 葉忠根(70)
jipteach@yahoo.ca CLOAKING
2. Andrew Wong 王春興(72)
aktaniwong@rogers.com CLOAKING
3. Wendy Yeung 楊蕙嫻(73)
wendyyeung214@gmail.com CLOAKING
4. Yeung Ping Kwong 楊柄光(74)
pkyeung2016@gmail.com CLOAKING
5. Eddie Wong 王春平 (75)
wongeddie@rogers.com CLOAKING
6. Sam Chiu 趙國基(76)
samchiu@srkmi.com CLOAKING
7. Phyllis Chiu 趙步心(78)
phyllischiu888@gmail.com CLOAKING




MYC Annual Dinner 2nd Update

The 7-member planning committee had met twice since first meeting in November.
The following items had been approved.
1. Dinner Venue
Premier Banquet & Convention Centre (釣魚台國宴)
9019 Leslie Street, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4A3 (Leslie/Hwy 7)
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

  1. Program
    5:00 p.m. – Reception
    5:00 p.m. – 7: 00 p.m.
    – Mah Jong finals (4 rounds) Preliminary matches will be taken up to August 5th
    – Photo display “Those Were the Days.”
    – Silent auction of items donated by alumni and teachers
    – Information talk(s) on topics selected by alumni
  2. Dinner ticket
    Please use the link on WhatsApp to register. _
    Early registration until June 30th
    -$75 (for one alumnus) or $140 (for couple)
    After June 30th
    -$80 (for one alumnus) or $150 (for couple)

Email invitations have been sent to principals, vice principals, and teachers.

**Registration via WhatsApp link takes effect immediately


Please fill out every box on the form including the last check box to complete the registration. If you have any questions please email to gtamingyinalumni@gmail.com.

Board of Directors for Ming Yin College (HK) Alumni of Canada

President: John Ip 葉忠很 (70′)
Vice President: Andy Wong 王春興 (72′)
Liaison:  Sally Hung 孔麗嫦 (71′)
Liaison: Wendy Yeung 楊蕙嫻 (73′)
Treasurer: Ping Kwong Yeung 楊炳光 (74′)
Event Planning: Leon Li 李銘鈞 (74′)
TBD Mars Wong 王志成 (75′)