舊生會經2023年特別會員大會同意,設立了「MY大使」的職能,並委任7位移居加拿大安大略省的校友 – 趙國基,郭炎英,王春平,王春興,黃建明,楊炳光及楊蕙嫻為第一批次的「MY大使」。他們會成為舊生會在加拿大安大略省的聯繫人,以協助舊生會在加拿大安大略省也能團結校友,增進彼此的情誼及彼此互助。校友(註) 可以以下電郵 mycosa@cccmyc.edu.hk 與舊生會聯繫,俾使本會的「MY大使」能跟你聯絡。耑此,謹祝
銘賢書院舊生會會長 何展才 謹啟
銘賢書院舊生會(MYCOSA) 是一個在香港註冊的法人組織,按章程,我們的會員亦即是「銘賢人」是曾在香港銘賢書院(母校)就讀的學生,哪怕只是一天。
銘賢書院舊生會透過在母校的校史室展示出學校由創校至今的發展歷程,亦顯示校友如何實踐「 學以明道,榮神益人」的校訓。
銘賢書院舊生會有感於校友在近年移居海外國家日益增多而與母校的聯繫逐漸減少,故此在本年8月中開始分別在四個較多校友移居的國家委任校友作為MYCOSA的聯絡員,他們被稱呼為 「MY大使」 以承傳 「MY College,MY Family」的願景,直接在當地設立銘賢舊生會的聯繫平台。
銘賢書院舊生會在加拿大委任了七位「MY大使」,他們均定居於安大略省。若加拿大的校友或定居於其他國家的校友想連繫上銘賢書院校友通訊平台,請透過以下電郵 mycosa.ontario@gmail.com 或 Whatsapp平台 https://chat.whatsapp.com/IQyCSBhvTQT7yeEFOJdTs5 與這七位「MY大使」聯繫,他們定當提供適切的幫助。
Programs, Services & Supports for MYC Alumni New Arrival to GTA
A warm welcome from MYCOSA MY Ambassadors, Ontario.
We are happy to answer whatever queries MYC alumni who are in Canada or preparing to settle in Canada raise and are ready to provide assistance if needed. Our email address is mycosa.ontario@gmail.com. Simply leave us a message on any matters if we can be of help.
Our composition, with our year of graduation (Form 5) and contact telephone number is:
Kwok Yim Ying Kim (1971) +1 416 706 5817
Wong Kin Ming (1971) +1 647 297 1390
Wong Chun Hing Andrew (Andy) (1972) +1 647 502 6533
Yeung Wai Han Wendy (1973) +1 416 278 9338
Yeung Ping Kwong (1974) +1 647 464 6461
Wong Chun Ping Eddie (1975) +1 416 721 1323
Chiu Kwok Kay Sam (1976) +1 416 726 9819
(You can also contact anyone of us via WhatsApp/SMS.)
To help and assist new arrivals to Greater Toronto Area (GTA), we have prepared a “Programs, Services and Supports” checklist, for you to settle down in this new place, your new homes as early as possible and to start a new life for your families and enjoy the years to come. We try to be comprehensive and areas in
– daily life (clothing, foods, living, transportation, banking, internet/mobile phone service plans, insurance)
– government-related matters (SIN card, health card, driver licence, taxation)
– education (schooling, childcare, tutoring services, adult education)
– health (family doctor, hospital, mental wellness)
– jobs & career
– other aspects (recreational activities, sports clubs, city services, religious services, new immigrant services)
are covered. The full list will be given upon request.
Prospective new comers/new arrivals are also welcome to contact us on any questions or concerns before making the move-over decision or for immediate assistance right after arrival. We are all the time ready to meet and greet new arrivals over a lunch or afternoon tea gathering or on any occasions at your convenience.
Note to new arrivals:
Before you arrive, there are a number of issues we would like to remind you: (i) get ready your Hong Kong driving record; and (ii) arrange airport pick-up and short-term accommodation. Contact us If further information is needed.
Published: August 28, 2023