Student Activities (學生活動)

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Elderly Centre Visit 長者中心探訪

Committee(s) Concerned: Civic and Life Education Committee
Date: 12 July 2023
Through interacting with the elderly, students can cultivate empathy, enhance their sense of social care and service, and improve their interpersonal and communication skills.

Youth Development Blueprint Introduction 青年發展藍圖簡介會

Committee(s) Concerned: Civic and Life Education Committee
Date: 6 July 2023
Enable students to understand the visions and programs of the Youth Development Blueprint.

Prefects' Training Course (III) 第三次領袖生訓練課程

Committee(s) Concerned: Discipline Committee
Date: 2 June 2023 (Day B, Friday)
S3, S4 and S5 prefects evaluated their work in the second term. They also relaxed by taking part in games prepared by training group. This is an important meeting for them to familiarize one another and reflect their participation in prefects’ groups.

HK01 Study Tour 香港01參觀

Committee(s) Concerned: Student Affairs Committee, Civic and Life Education Committee
Date: 25/04/2023
Help students to understand how media operates and its development trends, enhance one's knowledge of the news industry, and establish networking relationships with media professionals.

2 hours Board rowing experience with professional coach 專人教授直立板體驗

Committee(s) Concerned: Counselling Committee, Extra-curricular Activities Committee
Subject(s) Concerned: Geography
Date: 25/05/2023 3~6pm
To experience board rowing offshore Kwun Tong waterfront sponsored by Jockey Club and HK Playground Association
賽馬會與遊樂場協會贊助 觀塘海濱對出體驗直立板水上活動

Ma Wan East Beach Cleanup Activity 馬灣東灘清潔活動

Committee(s) Concerned: Civic and Life Education Committee
Date: 24 April 2023
Ma Wan East Beach Cleanup Activity 馬灣東灘清潔活動

S4 Geography landuse field trip 中四土地利用地理考察

Committee(s) Concerned: Academic Committee
Subject(s) Concerned: Geography
Date: 08 May 2023
To understand the urban redevelopment in SSP, Shek Kip Mei and Prince Edward

bE inspired! Programme

Committee(s) Concerned: Career and Life Planning Committee
Date: 21/04/2023
Students visited Arup Office, CIC iHub and Airside to explore the impacts of engineering and innovation to our community.
學生實地考察奧雅納公司, 建造業展覽中心及啟德Airside, 了解工程學及創新對社會的影響

MilMill Tour 喵坊參觀

Committee(s) Concerned: Civic and Life Education Committee
Subject(s) Concerned: Geography
Date: 14/04/2023
By visiting Mil Mill, students can learn about the recycling of waste paper and paper beverage cartons, as well as the production of recycled paper products. This can help to raise students' awareness of environmental protection and the importance of waste reduction.
透過參觀喵坊, 讓學生認識廢紙及紙包飲品盒的回收及再生紙產品的製造,從而提高學生對環境保護的意識。

Geography field to study the landuse in the vicinity of Mai Po 米埔週邊土地利用地理研習考察

Committee(s) Concerned: Academic Committee
Subject(s) Concerned: Geography
Date: 11/04/2023
To discuss the landuse in Mai Po and Lok Ma Chau Loop 討論米埔與落馬洲河套區土地運用

A guided tour to Shing Mun Redoubt 城門碉堡導賞團

Committee(s) Concerned: Extra-curricular Activities Committee
Subject(s) Concerned: History, Liberal Studies / Citizenship and Social Development
Date: 11/02/2023 (Sat)
The guided tour of Shing Mun Redoubt is organized by History Society and LS Society. We go to part of Gin Drinker's Line including artillery observation post, defence side and trenches. There are two reenactors who act as Hong Kong Defence Force and Japanese soldier who walk through footprint of soldiers with us.

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