All(全部) Student Activities (學生活動) Competitions/Awards (比賽/得獎) Assembly Prize Presentation(早會頒獎) 2024-12 Junior and Senior Assemblies 十二月初中及高中早會 Committee(s) Concerned: School Affairs CommitteeDate: Dec 2024Junior and Senior Assemblies in December十二月初中及高中早會 2025-01 Senior Assembly in January 一月高中早會 Committee(s) Concerned: School Affairs CommitteeDate: Jan 2025Senior Assembly in January一月高中早會 Tai Tam Reservoir Trail walk & boat rowing in Wong Nai Chung 大潭水塘紫羅蘭山徑黃泥涌考察 Committee(s) Concerned: Academic CommitteeDate: 24/1/2025Students and teachers enjoyed a wonderful afternoon and evening in the midst of lake of Wong Nai Chung沿著紫羅蘭山徑同學欣賞美好香港風光, 另外在黃泥涌水塘泛舟湖上,與雀鳥一同觀看日落, 別有一番景緻。 Fourth training of golf Society in Whitehead Centre 第四次訓練 Committee(s) Concerned: Extra-curricular Activities CommitteeDate : 28/01/2025Several students made a lot of improvement in golf swing.有幾位同學有明顯進步 Evening BBQ of Guidance Prefects 輔導生黃昏燒烤 Committee(s) Concerned: Counselling CommitteeDate: 23/01/2025Students, teachers and social workers enjoy a very cheerful night. 同學老師社工同舊生 享受了一個愉快的黃昏, 非常感謝學校提供場地 Disney Performance 迪士尼表演 Committee(s) Concerned: Extra-curricular Activities CommitteeSubject(s) Concerned: MusicDate: 20-12-2024Throwing it back to our unforgettable choral performance at Hong Kong Disney on December 20th!讓我們回顧 12 月 20 日在香港迪士尼舉行,令人難忘的合唱表演! Second Prefects' Training Course 2024-2025 第二次領袖生訓練課程 Committee(s) Concerned: Discipline CommitteeDate: 12 Dec 2024The Second Prefects’ Training Course is organized by prefects' training group. All S3 to S5 prefects actively participate in the warm-up games and discussion. The training helps enhance prefects’ team spirit and their ability in handling cases that they encounter.第二次領袖生訓練課程由訓導委員會訓練組老師及領袖生籌劃,透過領袖生參與熱身遊戲和討論,加強領袖生的團隊精神和執勤時的應變能力。 An Evening with MYC Musicians 冬日賢情音樂會 Committee(s) Concerned: Extra-curricular Activities CommitteeSubject(s) Concerned: MusicDate: 07/12/2024An Evening with MYC Musicians 2024 was successfully held on 7/12 (Sat) in our school hall.2024冬日賢情音樂會於7/12(星期六)在本校禮堂成功舉辦。 Happy Golf Club 2nd training at driving range 哥爾夫球小組第二次練習場訓練 Committee(s) Concerned: Extra-curricular Activities CommitteeDate: 23/12/2024Ten students enjoyed a lot in learning the skill of golf swing每位同學有獨立賽道連續練習揮桿兩小時 24-25 Sports Day 陸運會 Date: 22 Oct 2024 & 25 Oct 202424-25 Sports Day 陸運會 Frog Dissection Workshop 青蛙解剖工作坊 Subject(s) Concerned: BiologyDate: 21 Nov 2024The Biology Department and Biology Society organized a frog dissection workshop on 21 November 2024. This hands-on session provided students with a deeper understanding of the digestive and nervous systems, enhancing their learning experience through practical exploration.生物科及生物學會於2024年11月21日舉辦了青蛙解剖工作坊。 S.5 Inter-class Debate Competitions Committee(s) Concerned: Academic CommitteeSubject(s) Concerned: English LanguageDate: 27 and 28 November 2024Champions of S.5 Inter-class Debate Competitions (5B and 5C) 2024-11 Junior and Senior Assemblies 十一月初中及高中早會 Committee(s) Concerned: School Affairs CommitteeDate: Nov 2024Junior and Senior Assemblies in November十一月初中及高中早會 Guided tour in Tai Lung Experimental Station 大龍實驗農場導賞 Committee(s) Concerned: Academic CommitteeSubject(s) Concerned: GeographyDate: 5/12/2024Students learn a lot about organic farming. They can touch and smell different kinds of crops and herbs.透過講解, 同學明白什麼是有機農業。 並且同學可以親身觸摸及用嗅覺感受不同種類的農作物如迷迭香。 Galaxy Bottle and Epoxy Resin Subject(s) Concerned: ChemistryDate: 21 November 2024Students learned about polymerization by making galaxy bottles and using epoxy resin. The products are so beautiful that students can relieve their stress just by looking at them.學生通過製作星空瓶和使用環氧樹脂學習了聚合反應。這些作品非常美麗,學生們只需看著它們,就能緩解壓力。 Participation in Arts in the Park 2024 Committee(s) Concerned: Civic and Life Education CommitteeSubject(s) Concerned: Visual ArtsDate: 3 Dec 2024 - 31 Jan 2025Arts in the Park is Hong Kong’s largest outdoor youth arts festival. This year, 32 relief painting clocks created by our S.3 students were exhibited during the event. In addition, 20 volunteers also helped to do face painting at the art booth.渣打藝趣嘉年華是香港年度最具標誌性的大型戶外青年藝術活動。今年活動中,展出了多件由中三同學創作的浮雕時鐘,同時,我們亦派出了20位義工即場為公眾作臉部彩繪。 « ‹ of 18 › »