2 day one night Geography field camp in Cheung Chau 明愛陳震夏郊野學院 兩日一夜長洲地理研習課程

Committee(s) Concerned: Academic Committee

Subject(s) Concerned: Geography

Date: 7-8 Mar

The field trip includes the investigation of the land uses in Cheung Chau. Student also visited the organic farm in Mui Wo and different hydroponics methods in the field centre laboratory. . They learned a lot about the field based questions answering techniques.

透過兩日一夜考察,同學了解到長妫的農業土地分佈。 同學亦乘搭街渡由長洲前往梅窩參觀有機農場。 另外在陳震夏研習中心見識了多種水耕辦法。 透過這次考察, 同學必定對文憑試FBQ新題型的作答方法有更深入的了解。

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