Words from the Principal

Principal’s Sharing –  Dr Eddy Leeunnamed

I am excited and grateful to join CCC Ming Yin College as the principal with my fruitful services at CCC Ming Kei College and Raimondi College. I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than 30 years. My administrative and management experience helps me in collaborating with the teachers and staff as a team to motivate all students to learn. The journey in transforming from a teacher to a researcher, then into a principal was fruitful and my understanding of Knowledge Building has influenced my role as a teacher as well as a principal. I believe my continuous collaboration with academics and participation in teachers’ network will benefit our students to achieve success in a caring and supportive environment.

I grew up in the CCC Wanchai Church and I have been actively involved in planting and expanding the CCC Covenant Church in Tin Shui Wai since 1999. As a member of the CCC family, I am more than delighted to join one of the CCC schools as principal. I see our school as a Christian community where a Christ-centered atmosphere is created for educating our students with encouragement and kindness.

The home and school connection is vital to the future success of our students. You, the parents, have a key role to play in the learning experience of your children. As a parent of two adolences, I am glad to share the challenges I have overcome and the lessons I have learnt. Our interest in their work and our words of encouragement will show our children that we value their education.

WhatsApp Image 2021-10-07 at 3.21.13 PMMy mission as principal at Ming Yin College is to ensure that we put our students first. We believe that all students can learn, and it is our job to support our students to reach their fullest potential. As I see the need for us to equip students with 21st century competencies, one of my plans is to develop MYC into a Knowledge Building school which will allow students and staff  to capitalize on opportunities and contribute actively to the fast-moving world nowadays.

校長的話 – 李揚真博士




WhatsApp Image 2021-10-07 at 3.21.00 PM作為銘賢書院的校長,我的使命是確保我們把學生放在首位。我們相信所有學生都有學習成才的能力,我們的工作就是支持學生充分發揮他們的潛力。讓我們一同努力,把銘賢發展成為一所知識建構型的學校,為學生裝備21世紀所需要的能力,讓學生能為前面快速發展的世界做出更多積極的貢獻。