
hymnmidi hymnjpeg
1. Al-might-y Fa-ther of all things that be,
Our life, our work, we con-se-crate to Thee,
Whose heav’ns de-clare Thy glo-ry from a-bove,
Whose earth be-low is wit-ness to Thy love.
2. For well we know this wear-y, soil-ed earth
Is yet Thine own by right of its new birth,
Since that great Cross up-reared on Cal-va-ry
Re-deemed it from its fault and shame to Thee.
3. Thine still the change-ful beau-ty of the hills
The pur-ple val-leys flecked with sil-ver rills,
The o-cean glist’n-ing ‘neath the gold-en rays;
They all are Thine, and voice-less speak Thy praise.
4. Thou dost the strength to work-man’s arm im-part;
From Thee the skilled mus-i-cians mys-tic art,
The grace of po-et’s pen or paint-er’s hand
To teach the love-li-ness of sea and land.
5. Then grant us, Lord, in all things Thee to own,
To dwell with-in the sha-dow of Thy throne,
To speak and work, to think, and live, and move,
Re-flect-ing Thine own na-ture, which is love;
6. That so, by Christ re-deemed from sin and shame,
And hal-lowed by Thy Spir-it’s cleans-ing flame,
Our-selves, our work, and all our pow’rs may be
A sa-cri-fice ac-cept-a-ble to Thee.